Content First: Developing a Content Inventory Taber Lightfoot
You can’t have a website without content, yet this is one of the last things most site owners think about. In this talk, I will explain the importance of a content inventory and how to go about creating one.
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Prezi Presentation |
Creating an iCal feed for your YaleSites Calendar Feature Nancy Flowers-Mangs
Many people have been asking for this functionality on their sites so when people go to their calendar, they can add it with a click on a button. I will show you how to add the ical button to your calendar pages and to individual events.
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Creating an iCal Feed |
Drupal Schmupal I just want a website Janice Murphy-Wallace
Back by popular demand, this session will ignore all the technical mumbo jumbo and show you how to use the YaleSites pre-built features so you can easily build a dynamic site regardless of your level of technical expertise.
In this session, I will demonstrate the YaleSites Features including News, Video, Photo Galleries and Rotating Header Images. This presentation will cover the basics of the features and is a great way for those who are new to YaleSites see what is available out-of-the-box.
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Exposed filters: The Basics JoAnn Piscitelli
This session will explain and demonstrate how to create an exposed filter with the Views Module. Exposed filters allow you to provide drop-down menu or text fields so the site visitor can define criteria to filter a list of content created by the view. In essence you are creating a search for that specific page of content.Exposed filters can also be used as Blocks so you can place them in a different location but have it lead to the page listing.
This is a great way to extend your Views displays so that people can find what they are looking for without leaving the page.
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Feeds (Ingesting Content into Drupal) Clayton Predmore
Learn the difference between a Feed Importer, a Feed Entity, and a Feed Item.
Possible topics, time permitting:
- Learn how to automatically add properties from the parent feed entity to each feed item.
- Learn how to filter by the parent feed entity in Views.
- Learn how to use feeds to import entities that reference other entities.
- Learn how to use the newly-added Date iCal module with Feeds.
- And more?
If you have a very specific use-case, feel free to contact me in advance. I will see if I can work it in to the presentation.
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Slides on Google Docs |
Keynote Speaker(s) - YaleSites Next Steps Lisa Sawin
YaleSites Next Steps – Lec Maj and Lisa Sawin talk about the future of web at Yale
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Video Recording of Presentation
YaleSite Keynote Presentation |
Shareable content and social media Mark Stricker
This session will provide an overview of what to think about when it comes to sharing your website’s content on social media. Whether you use your own channels, or rely on visitors to share your content, this session will provide a mix of strategy and tactics to help you out. We’ll also take a look at some useful social media metrics to help you measure the impact on your site’s traffic.
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The Missing Modules Clayton Predmore
A review of modules I find really useful that are not already turned on when you get a YaleSites site. Also, advanced uses for modules that are turned on, but you probably never looked at. Some topics include:
- SEO (Search Engine Optimization): redirects, sitemaps, meta tags, etc.
- Site administration: the toolbar, email alerts
- Advanced access control
- More?
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Slides on Google Docs |
Using Photos to Jazz Up Your Site Kimberly Pasko
Photos and other media are a great way to add interest to your site. Learn how to view an image for cropping as well as how to select quality images to add to your YaleSite. Topics include tips on taking your own photos, cropping, sizing, color/light.
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Image Galleries Demo Site |
Views Clues Eamonn Crowley-Edge
Tips and tricks to help make views—and their content types—work for you. I will go over a few recent projects where we have revised and simplified views, solved complex needs, and used views in a simple way… but achieved a big impact. Thinking about your content and where/how it needs to show up goes a long way!
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What is Usability and Why Should I Care? Adriana Corona
You’re ready and eager to build your YaleSite, but have you thought about how people will find the information you want them to find? Are you concerned that your vision for the site may not meet your site visitors’ needs?
When it comes to building a website, determining how people will use your site (usability) is critical to the planning process. A lot of us think that ‘getting it right’ is an arduous and expensive task. We may be afraid that we don’t know enough about design to make a website that people enjoy using. However, the truth is that you can do something right now to improve–and keep improving–the usability of your site. In this workshop, we’ll talk about “discount usability” methods that can help you learn about your site visitors without breaking the bank or delaying your delivery dates.
Need another reason to come to this workshop? If you volunteer your own site, we’ll do a live usability test and figure out actionable recommendations! If you want to volunteer your YaleSite, be sure to send a link to Adriana (
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Video Recording of Presentation
adriana-usability-yalesitesdrupalcamp.ppt |
What to do when the How-to Guide Isn't Enough
The How-to Guide is a great resource, but there’s so much to learn, and much of what I wanted to know wasn’t covered there. In my talk, I will show you how I’m able to find the answers and solutions using other resources such as, OS Training, and basic Google Searches. I’m a relative newbee to YaleSites and Drupal and using these other resources has really help me to learn more and help others get the answers they need.
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how-to-guide-2014.ppt |
Wrangling the Biblio module Nicholas Allen
An up-to-date publications list is the bread-and-butter of many scholars, labs and academic departments; for many, it’s the primary feature sought by colleagues, funders, and prospective students. Unfortunately, citation handling is a nasty little Hydra: a many-headed mess of parameters that vary by publication type, further troubled by inconsistent output styles across disciplines (MLA? APA? TLA? LBJ?). Biblio is a commonly-used module that populates, styles, and sorts publications, making it easy to integrate publication displays within any page on a website. It has been widely deployed by the OpenScholar project at Harvard and by Stanford Sites. The module is especially useful for lab groups and departments that put out a large volume of publications or a wide variety of publication type.
This presentation will be a quick rundown of the problems faced by citation management systems and the advantages of the Biblio interface, primarily intended for site administrators. It will also explore applications of the module for the YaleSites base template, which might be a useful conversation for members of the Yale Drupal team.
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Seto Lab
List of Biblio resources, implementation examples, and related projects, Slide Deck |
YaleSites Templates - a Powerful Foundation for your Custom Theme Victor Velt
YaleSites Templates provide a great foundation for any site that you want to build at Yale, but sometimes you might want a different flare to make your site stand out. Come here Victor Velt talk about how he has worked with the YaleSites Templates to create unique designs without sacrificing the underlying functionality. Sites he has created include:
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Video Recording of Presentation
Designing YaleSites Themes, Office of Sustainability, Yale and the World, West Campus, Day of Service |