Wrangling the Biblio module

10:40-11:30 AM

An up-to-date publications list is the bread-and-butter of many scholars, labs and academic departments; for many, it’s the primary feature sought by colleagues, funders, and prospective students. Unfortunately, citation handling is a nasty little Hydra: a many-headed mess of parameters that vary by publication type, further troubled by inconsistent output styles across disciplines (MLA? APA? TLA? LBJ?). Biblio is a commonly-used module that populates, styles, and sorts publications, making it easy to integrate publication displays within any page on a website. It has been widely deployed by the OpenScholar project at Harvard and by Stanford Sites. The module is especially useful for lab groups and departments that put out a large volume of publications or a wide variety of publication type. 

This presentation will be a quick rundown of the problems faced by citation management systems and the advantages of the Biblio interface, primarily intended for site administrators. It will also explore applications of the module for the YaleSites base template, which might be a useful conversation for members of the Yale Drupal team.