What is Usability and Why Should I Care?

10:40-11:30 AM

You’re ready and eager to build your YaleSite, but have you thought about how people will find the information you want them to find? Are you concerned that your vision for the site may not meet your site visitors’ needs? 

When it comes to building a website, determining how people will use your site (usability) is critical to the planning process. A lot of us think that ‘getting it right’ is an arduous and expensive task. We may be afraid that we don’t know enough about design to make a website that people enjoy using. However, the truth is that you can do something right now to improve–and keep improving–the usability of your site. In this workshop, we’ll talk about “discount usability” methods that can help you learn about your site visitors without breaking the bank or delaying your delivery dates. 

Need another reason to come to this workshop? If you volunteer your own site, we’ll do a live usability test and figure out actionable recommendations! If you want to volunteer your YaleSite, be sure to send a link to Adriana (adriana.corona@yale.edu).

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